Posted: September 19, 2024 07:37 am

We at uTrick iTrack try not to get too political, as our site is focused on the sexual health and well-being of Gay Men. However we do need to take a moment to express how vitally important this year's election really is for the LGBTQA+ Community. The Republican Party has always targeted our community, trying to strip us of our basic human rights. They try to belittle, bully, and intimidate our community to make us feel less than who and what we are. The former occupant of the White House, who is now a 34 count felon, and is attempting to occupy and destroy our highest office again; is the single most greatest threat to, not just the LGBT+ community, but the entire nation as a whole. This Project 2025 that was conceived by these "MAGA" terrorist, is an attack on every "minority" group in this nation. It strips away cis-females rights to their own bodies and their health choices. It will prevent trans individuals from seeking the gender affirming services they desperately need for their own mental and physical health. It even threatens our rights to Marriage Equality.

It is Imperative that every one of us take notice and stand up against these terrorist. After everything the LGBT Community has endured, the injustices we have had to fight over the decades. The victories we've won as a community. All of our history. We must protect. We here at uTrick iTrack encourage all of you to Register to Vote. Make a plan to Vote, be it in your local poling place, or Vote by Mail. Stand behind Kamala Harris, and all the other Democrats running for local and federal office. These Democratic champions are on OUR side. They are fight to protect the LGBT+ Community. Show your support for them. Let us show the world our community matters and can make a difference. Get out and defend our Democracy, defend our community.

Please visit HRC Endorsed Candidates to view your local Senate and House of Representative Candidates who are fighting for the LGBTQA+ Community.